In February 2016, following a number of local presentations by the Leicester County Council (LCC) several residents formed a steering group with the aim of taking over and operating the library using volunteers from the local community. A business plan was produced and, following approval by LCC in August 2016 the steering group set about formalising the operation itself and setting up a small business as Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This required electing trustees who would take responsibility for the organisation. With this in place and the application completed, CIO was achieved in November 2016. A bank account was opened and planning started in earnest to enable the steering group to take over the library in April 2017.
It was decided unanimously to provide, not only library functions (book loan etc.), but also a community hub which would help service the needs of the residents of Kirby Muxloe. Hence the name Kirby Muxloe Library and Community Hub or KML&CH.
In order to survive KML&CH must be run and maintained by volunteers, the mainstay of its success into the future. Initially funds were made available by LCC. These helped to start the project up, cover costs such as legal fees, capital purchase etc. but these funds however, will diminish over time, until 5 years into the project, when KML&CH will need to be completely self-sufficient.
To date the library is fully operational and we are providing support to the community in various ways. However, we are not in a position to takeover completely until such times as a legal matter is resolved between LCC and the Parish Council. Discussions are on going in this respect and we are hopeful of a successful outcome in the near future.