LCC Welfare Van
The Leicestershire County Council Welfare Van will be in Kirby Muxloe at the Library on Wednesday 23rd February from 2.00 – 5.00pm.
The staff will offer advice on a variety of well-being issues and inform you about how to access services. They will also show you how to access lateral flow test kits and will carry out testing on the day if you feel you need one. Results within 30 minutes.
Do come along and talk to the staff if you feel it would be of benefit to you.
We now have a hard copy of the consultation documents in the Library – it’s enormous – two boxes full! To make life easier for you, we also have a USB stick which includes:
- Volume 1 – non-technical summary
- Volume 2 – PEIR
- Volume 3 – Appendices
- Volume 4 – Figures
- Community Explanation Document
- Design and Access Statement
- Planning Statement
- Masterplan
- Parameters Plan
- Draft DCO and Explanation Document
- Draft Rail Report
- Illustrative Plans
- Site Location Plan.
If you are interested in responding to the consultation, call in at the Library.
Could you be a New Trustee?
Due to the resignations of two of our Trustees, we now have vacancies for two new Trustees.
We are looking in particular for people who have experience/skills/interest in marketing, advertising and design, a wish to develop the community side of our enterprise (given that we are a community hub) and, of course, an interest in and commitment to the concept of libraries.
Trustees meet monthly to manage the Charity’s business and to set its strategy and direction. If you feel that you would like to join us, please email Liz Collinson at secretary@kirbymuxloelibrary.org setting out your interests and experience. We look forward to hearing from you.
We are a friendly and welcoming bunch of people so please have a think about joining us and contributing to the well-being of our community. The duties are not onerous!
Christmas Quiz Result
Thank you to all those who took part in our Christmas Quiz.
We received several correct answer sheets and after pulling a name out of the hat the winner is Mrs S. Koch from Coventry. The £10 book token is winging its way to her with our congratulations.
Thank you everyone once again. We hoped you enjoyed the quiz.
There will be another library (paper) quiz later in the year.
If you would like the answers…… they are below
Chinese NY event – important change
Important update – the event will now be ONLINE ONLY between 11:00 and 12:00
We are out of Lateral Flow Tests
While we did have some stock, this has been exhausted and we have no idea if or when we will have any more to offer.