Kirby Muxloe Foodbank

The village itself does not have a local foodbank.

What we do have though is a collection point for any donations to local foodbanks.

The Free Church at the top of Church Road accepts donations.  They ask people to bring items to the side door (in Church Road) and ring the bell on a Tue-Thu in the mornings when the office is open.

That food then goes on to one of the local Food Banks, Braunstone, South Leicester or Hinckley.

There is also a lady in the village who advertises regular collections for the Braunstone Food Bank on the Kirby Muxloe Village Notice Board Group on Facebook

If you can afford to give anything please do.


As a result of the above resignations, we now have two vacancies for Trustee positions.  Current Trustees have a wide range of skills, but we need in particular people with accountancy, IT and marketing/PR experience.  Most importantly though, we need people who are enthusiastic and committed, with loads of ideas and the willingness to transform ideas into actuality.  Trustee Steering Group meetings take place monthly under normal circumstances and there is a commitment to attend these meetings when at all possible.  If you would like to join a group of friendly people who share a strong commitment to the development of community cohesion and development in Kirby Muxloe, then ring Liz Collisnon (Secretary) on 0116 2393332 for an informal chat, or contact her by email at lizcollinson1941@


We are really sorry to announce that Jan & Dave Cooper have resigned their positions as Trustees of Kirby Muxloe Library & Community Hub.  Jan & Dave have been crucial figures in the development of KML&CH since it started some three years ago, Jan acting as our very efficient Treasurer, and Dave taking responsibility for all sorts of things, including setting up and maintaining the public computers, operating our very complex heating system, doing the artwork and many, many other things.  The good news is that they will continue to be volunteers when things return to normal.  We will miss their presence on the Steering Group and wish them all the very best for the future.  We wouldn’t have managed half as well without them!


LCC have decided that Libraries should be closed during the second period of lockdown.  Therefore we shall be closed from now until 2nd December, subject to prevailing conditions at the time.  We hope to open again on Thursday 3rd December, 2.00 – 4.00.
The book-drop is closed for the duration.  Note that all current book loans will be extended until 7th December and no fines will be incurred.